Do you have Ear, Nose, Throat health complaints and need medical help?


Dr K. O. Paulose, FRCS, DLO, MBBS, Consultant ENT Surgeon

Dr Paulose, a world class ENT Plastic & Laser Surgeon has spent over 40 years treating & healing patients from around the world. He has extensive experience covering in Ear, Nose and Throat procedures, and specializes in Laser Surgery & conventional medicine across India, U.K. & Middle East.

You can have direct conversation with a professional, qualified & licensed doctor.

You can ask any question and have it clarified clearly or get a second opinion.

You save on travel (road, rail or air) and other incidental costs, not to mention time.

Due to the nature of email, there are limitations such as not being able to diagnose without a physical examination. Therefore, email consultations will be limited to recommendations or suggestions for treatment options and second opinions only.

All you need is a computer/mobile with internet access! 

Qualified, Licensed & Experienced

Dr K. O. Paulose is a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, Glasgow (FRCS), DLO, MBBS with over 40 years experience covering Ear, Nose & Throat.

100% Privacy

We maintain privacy & confidentiality of all correspondence.

How our process works...

Enter email & signup

Complete a simple form, with your email, name and phone number.

Pay using credit card

Proceed to make the payment using credit card. We provide a safe mechanism for the same.

Present your health concern & questions

During the email consultation, you will have the opportunity to present your health concerns and the history of your present health as well as the results of any existing laboratory or diagnostic reports, and ask questions.


per consultation.


per consultation.


response time.


"Dr Paulose is a distinguished Consultant ENT, Plastic and Laser Surgeon. His special skills are to be found in the fields of cosmetic surgery and the investigation and treatment of snoring. These videos, prepared over many hours, seek to give the viewer the closest view of Dr Paulose's work."

Dr Neil Weir, MD, MA, FRCS
Consultant ENT Surgeon

"Dr Paulose's professional career has been distinguished and successful, and I regard him today as an excellent surgeon and doctor."

Dr John Cherry, MB, BS, FRCS
Consultant ENT Surgeon

"My snoring was so bad that my wife often made me sleep in a different room. Thanks to the advice of Dr Paulose, I'm cured. Happy wife, happy life!"

R Surendran

"I had all the information I needed to know before seeing the doctor. He was surprized about my knowledge about snoring. This helped me reduce his consultation time, get to the point, and more importantly get cured and breathe easy!"

Mohammed Ibrahim
I have an emergency, can you help?

If you have an emergency, you should visit your nearest hospital or clinic.

Can I visit your clinic?

Currently, this is an online consultation option only. We will in some cases recommend you visit a nearby doctor physically. 

Can you share your mobile or WhatsApp number? So I can call/message you.

No, sorry. We receive hundreds of calls/messages a day and cannot provide consultation over the phone or WhatsApp?

Can you share your email address?

No, sorry. We will only reply to emails once the payment is received. We also limit the number of responses to 3 per consultation. If you require further responses, please pay for another consultation.

Can I pay by cheque?

No, sorry. We have experienced bad actors in the past. We have used a payment gateway that accepts credit cards.

Can I get a refund?

No, sorry. We are providing a service, not a product. If however, in the rare case, we have not responded to your email, then yes, you are entitled to a refund.

What are the limitations for email?

I don’t have answers to all your ENT problems but I can give a general advice or guidance on your health issues. Since the consultation will have to take place without physical examination of the patient ,without actually seeing the patient’s past medical records and investigation reports, it is not always possible to make a definite diagnosis, but I can give only a general medical opinion. 

“Dr Paulose gave me a better understanding of my health issue.This has also helped me stay aware of impending health risks and live a more healthy life.”

Firoz P, Investment Banker

You can reach Dr Paulose from the comfort of your mobile / computer. All you need to do is click the button below:

Are you ready to get started?